Before we meet, I already know you.
Not as an idea, but as you are.
This meeting is beyond meeting itself.
Here, where the heavens meet, happiness dwells above all reasons to meet.Are you up for such a meeting?
Be in
Awakening of the Heart to Create a New World
Whether it is a great challenge, persistent misfortune, or deep suffering with a prayer for salvation, or simply an urge for a deeper understanding of yourself and of the whole existence, they all share this auspicious starting: the present moment.Â
May your heart guide you to stillness, for within that silence lies the answer to all questions and timeless peace. Where else but behind all voices can the reason for existence be discovered? This heart is not of the physical realm– it is your inmost Being, your eternal Home, ever calling you to return and sink into its silence.Â
And clearly, the entire universe is already helping in this (final) quest.
Even if it is not yet clear what it is that is being explored and what migh be revealed is still shrouded in mystery, no prior knowledge is necessary– indeed, it can often becomes a hindrance. Let openness and longing be suffice to embrace the inquiry into the depth of your own inconceivable and indivisible nature, which is pure Presence.
Being humble, gentle and having a heart full of love coupled with perseverance are the keys to opening the door to Truth– a transcendence from egoic, separated consciousness into undivided, universal consciousness. This is the path to living fully in celestial harmony and unconquerable peace.
Being here, with an open heart, is enough to feel the invitation to glimpse into Heart is Home– and perhaps prepare your own heart to immerse and dissolve into that boundless place of I am. This space, which lies beyond the confines of the limited mind, and thus into absolute freedom and unbounded bliss. To receive this invitation in your heart, it does not need any understanding. It is already a spark of freedom in whose light the illusion of “me” can burn.Â
What a blessing it is when we meet each other completely empty so that the infinite Heart or the true Self blossoms, and you realize that you are already looking from the place beyond all places through the eyes of pure Love.
~ Leowe
Ongoing Satsangs with Leowe
– Invitation to Freedom –
Upcoming Dates
Events for 1st January
Events for 2nd January
Events for 3rd January
Events for 4th January
Events for 5th January
Events for 6th January
Events for 7th January
Events for 8th January
Events for 9th January
Events for 10th January
Events for 11th January
Events for 12th January
Events for 13th January
Events for 14th January
Events for 15th January
Events for 16th January
Events for 17th January
Events for 18th January
Events for 19th January
Events for 20th January
Events for 21st January
Events for 22nd January
Events for 23rd January
Events for 24th January
Events for 25th January
Events for 26th January
Events for 27th January
Events for 28th January
Events for 29th January
Events for 30th January
Events for 31st January
Events for 1st February
Every alternate
Wed 4 – 5.30 pm CET
Thu 4 – 5.30 pm CET
Where: on Zoom
Language: English
Every alternate Saturday
5 – 6.30 pm CET
Where: Cologne, Germany
Language: German (English on demand)
Meeting as One
– Onsite & Online –
With constant abiding in Awareness, all beings are regarded by Leowe with the same eye and met with unwavering devotion, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. In the encounters, open your heart completely and listen through it. When the willingness to love is immeasurable, the words simply resonate in the heart.
The quest for Oneness is the most sublime.
But who is on the lookout in the first place?~ Leowe
Heart is Home blossomed from Leowe’s Presence and his unwavering, choiceless dedication to every being with sincere openness to Truth. It continually invites and encourages the maturing of the heart of all who commit to the manifestation of Truth in daily life, so that actions arise from pure Being and become expressions of Life’s unconditional and limitless Love. Such a world will naturally blossom into the New World the foundation has set out to create.
Donations / Scholarships & Concessions
May this Joy well up, that which expresses the sweet blessedness of giving back the Beloved what has never been yours to let him alone fulfil his dream and thus bring about a New World born of Love and Peace. Once you have embarked on taking care of Life, Life is already taking care of you in all delight.
Little Hearts
Love is what remains
when there is
absolutely no attachment.
This includes the idea
of being without attachment.
Waking up from the dream of
attachment through suffering
is a marvelous reminder of that
Love that you are at your
core of Being.When you are nothing –
you are freedom itself.~ Leowe