May this Joy well up,
that which expresses
the sweet blessedness
of giving back the Beloved
what has never been yours,
to let him alone
fulfil his dream and
thus bring about
a New World
born of Love and Peace.

~ Leowe


Support the sharing of timeless wisdom, boundless Love, and unchanging Truth. There is immense gratitude to you for considering a donation to Leowe and the Heart is Home Movement. Your offerings support us in bringing about the awakening of Consciousness: the sole foundation for a New World. We do this through sharing Leowe’s teachings, wisdom, and Presence with earnest seekers of spiritual advancement and Self-realisation.

All donations made here or while booking an offering support either direct access to the teachings to sincere seekers free of charge (especially, but not only, from less wealthy parts of the world) or support other expenses that are being utilised to point to the awakening of Consciousness and living as Presence.

If you have been deeply touched by Leowe’s teachings in your journey back to the Self and out of gratitude, feel inspired to contribute to the creation of the New World, you could offer your support by making a one-time donation or a recurring donation. Those hearts who donate regularly would be warmly welcomed into the Heart is Home sangha if they wish to be in satsang with other earnest seekers in the Movement. Besides, when one has given regular and substantial donations and wishes to know how the donations have supported the Movement, the sangha would be happy to oblige the request with gratitude.

Each donation comes from a place within you that recognises the great significance of this Movement and we deeply honour that knowing of Truth. Donations to Leowe and the Heart is Home Movement are not tax deductible at the moment. If you have questions or for more information regarding donations, please contact us at

Thank you for your love and support.

If you truly give
from the depth of your heart,
it prepares you to swim
from the shore of division
to that of unity.
It is Life serving itself.

~ Leowe

Scholarships & Concessions  

The teachings and the Heart is Home Movement exist to elevate – and ultimately awaken – Consciousness within us human beings so that life need not be a battle with suffering but one that is experienced from a place of deep love, peace, and freedom. 

As this is at the heart of the teachings, no seeker of truth who yearns for salvation will be turned away due to their financial limitations. Access will always be granted to every being who wants to shed their false identification with the egoic mind, who wants to end suffering for themselves and others, and who wants to transcend their little worldly desires for the realisation that they are life itself. 

Therefore, we always have a share of scholarships that provide the opportunity for all those whose hearts are yearning to participate in the meetings. Scholarship recipients receive 3-months access to the ongoing on-site and online satsangs, which may be extended upon request under certain circumstances. If you would like to apply for a concession or a scholarship, please apply through the button below and we will get back to you with our offering.

If you take yourself
a little less important
by simply bowing down to life,
life takes you into
the sweetest care.
Life will not be long in coming,
just a little peek
behind the closed eyes
and the temptation
is far too great.
Life will not be able to resist,
to bathe you
in its beguiling equanimity
and to reveal in sheer delight
that there is only Life.