If merely one being
living as absolute Peace
is a blessing for the world,
then what a blessed place
this world would be
when even a small fraction
of human beings gather together
as pure Presence.
This will be enough for
the genesis of a New World.~ Leowe
Heart is Home
Humanity is – and has been for many centuries – at the clutches of suffering and unconsciousness. Both borne of the distorted mind and both leading to the possible extinction of the human species because of the divisions we have created amongst ourselves and because of the rapid and extreme exploitation of mother Earth up to the point where the survival of human existence is completely in question. The only lasting way to swiftly – for the time left to save our species is so little – turnaround this situation is to elevate the Consciousness in humans so that our way of living is rooted in inclusive actions arising out of love and wisdom.
Given birth by Consciousness itself – that Leowe abides as – the Heart is Home is life’s way of tenderly yet powerfully tending to itself and all of its creations so that a peaceful New World can emerge. A world where the Consciousness within human beings is sufficiently awakened that actions are born out of the wisdom of the Heart rather than out of ideas of good and bad, interactions are rooted in understanding, compassion outweighs judgement, and life is lived in complete alignment with mother Earth, in whom all life forms birth, live, and perish.
Heart is Home invites every human being to return to their original and only true home: the Heart.
Regardless of the financial status, work in the world, gender and sexual orientation, sociocultural background, physical and emotional challenges, and intellectual level, Heart is Home endeavours to pave the way for more and more human beings to embody the teachings and integrate its essence into their daily life and work so that their actions are born out of Beingness and are hence an expression of life’s pure and unconditional love. Such a world will naturally blossom into the New World Heart is Home has set out to create.
Heart is Home is gently yet powerfully sprouting its way into this world and we – the sangha – are inviting you to walk this path along with us to our Home in the Heart.
When we rest fully in the Heart,
~ Leowe
full commitment to life and
volunteerism emerge spontaneously;
it is the perfume of true Self.
In that natural impulse,
the purest actions –
those that are born from wholeness
and uncoloured of an I
that craves to be decorated –
are performed.
In honour of this marvellous existence, those who recognise the calling of life to serve its flowering are warmly invited to contribute from the bottom of their heart their various talents and time to support the teachings of Leowe and the awakening of Consciousness.
While contributions that arise from one’s skills in photography and editing, playing instruments, arts and crafts, designing, managing social media platforms, writing, translating, etc. are welcome, one need not have any special skills to be able to volunteer in Heart is Home. An open heart seeking salvation, prepared to crumble its resistance to be the true Self and to be humbled by the learning that occurs during volunteering, is amply sufficient and is warmly invited. In fact, only those contributions that stem from devotion to the Self will have the power required to serve as a tool to explore the timeless nature of one’s being and thus truly serve Heart is Home.
To offer one’s time, skills, and selfless service for the betterment and liberation of humanity takes a tender, open, and noble heart and for such hearts, volunteering can greatly help in deepening one’s understanding of the teachings and in one’s pilgrimage to God.
If you have been touched by Leowe’s teachings and as a spontaneous expression of gratitude, would like to volunteer in Heart is Home, the sangha extends a warm invitation to you to join us. Enquiries on possibilities for contributions and collaborations from businesses and communities/organisations dedicated to inspiring spiritual transformation are also warmly welcome.
To serve life in its evolution, please get in touch with us at heartishome@leowe.de.
Letters from the Heart

This Canva is dedicated to embedding letters written by the Heart is Home Sangha that embody the following: Born out of the Heart’s yearning to flower and open up fully to receive the ever raining Grace, the letters speak of the Heart’s path to God and how the teachings of Leowe, being in satsang, and serving Heart is Home has nurtured the Hearts to be present and grounded in their Beingness.
One that gets washed away
About Leowe
It was December 11, 2018. After unlocking the apartment door, a breakup letter was seen on the table with an engagement ring at its side. No longer was there any escape from loneliness since the very last thing that was of utmost importance had been lost.
Instantly, the suffering, along with an immeasurable sadness it caused, became unbearable for the little heart and it begged eagerly to be allowed to die.
At that very moment, something happened that can barely be expressed in words. The whole pattern that only appeared to be “me” was recognised in the light of Consciousness, and in this clarity, there was no resistance, burning the “me” without leaving a single trace. It was an unfathomable salvation, so inconceivable and yet irrefutable that it elicited a hearty laugh. Many months passed before what had happened could be truly understood. The ever-present Silence that accompanied this realisation has remained ever since as a vivid Presence – as all that I am.

About Leowe

It was December 11, 2018. After unlocking the apartment door, a breakup letter was seen on the table with an engagement ring at its side. No longer was there any escape from loneliness since the very last thing that was of utmost importance had been lost.
Instantly, the suffering, along with an immeasurable sadness it caused, became unbearable for the little heart and it begged eagerly to be allowed to die.
At that very moment, something happened that can barely be expressed in words. The whole pattern that only appeared to be “me” was recognised in the light of Consciousness, and in this clarity, there was no resistance, burning the “me” without leaving a single trace. It was an unfathomable salvation, so inconceivable and yet irrefutable that it elicited a hearty laugh. Many months passed before what had happened could be truly understood. The ever-present Silence that accompanied this realisation has remained ever since as a vivid Presence – as all that I am.