Just as no thought is yours, you are also no thought. Just look how much destiny cherishes you, for otherwise, you wouldn’t be here.
Awakening of the Heart
Satsang in Cologne
Every alternate Saturday, between 5 pm and 6.30 pm CET, we gather at our retreat centre in Cologne to engage in and explore the aliveness of our true Being and the reality behind thoughts. All are welcome to be in meditation in the living Presence of Leowe.
The satsangs investigate ways to transcend the imagination of the limited person (the ego) through the true Self of timeless Presence; there are also numerous pointers to direct realisation of the Self. The satsangs also make it possible to be in connection with people who are integrating the teachings of Silence into everyday life, thus strengthening the will to choose the Truth over all that’s not real, again and again.
The meetings might include short speeches by Leowe, time without words, or guided meditations. Leowe might also explore various aspects of spiritual awakening and an awakened life, but ultimately, everything happens spontaneously. The only requirement is an open heart that has the power of emptying the mind.
To prepare for the satsang, you could become familiar with Leowe’s teachings through the website and the pointers on Instagram. In wisdom and boundless love, questions that arise are answered, if they do not already dissolve spontaneously. In addition to a verbalized question, it is also possible to send questions via e-mail to teachings@leowe.de until 90 mins before the satsang. However, there can be no guarantee that every question submitted via email will be addressed. In most cases, questions that address immediate challenges are beneficial to all participants and will be given priority.
The satsangs are held at our retreat centre in the heart of Cologne and last for about 90 minutes, but sometimes longer, depending on the course the satsangs take. Our retreat centre would open 10 mins ahead of the satsang and everyone registered is invited to join us in silence and contemplation and connect to the Heart before the satsang starts. The venue of our centre will be communicated by email after we receive your booking.
When: Every alternate Saturday, 5 – 6.30 pm CET
Where: Our retreat centre at the heart of Cologne
Language: English