“If you are very open to meet me inside your heart, there will be a surprise, for no one will be found but only an inconceivable blessing. The emptiness of your true Being will bestow upon you the most beautiful face which is that of Love.”
Meeting Thyself
1:1 with Leowe Online
Spending concentrated time with Leowe can powerfully deepen the spiritual path that one is on and such a meeting is accessible no matter where you are in the world. The emanating Presence that Leowe is will be instantly sensed in a genuine meeting.
In wisdom and boundless love, questions that arise are answered, if they do not already dissolve spontaneously. In addition, if Presence sees it as beneficial, direct guidance may be given to be in meditation. And for advanced aspirants of Self-realisation, the teachings of Silence alone may be sufficient.
Nothing is prepared, everything unfolds spontaneously.
Even for a determined seeker who recognises the precious possibilities a 1:1 with Leowe can open up, there might be some nervousness around what might be revealed within oneself during the meeting. If this is the case, Sangha members, who are regularly in Leowe’s presence, can help you find answers to your questions about the retreat and in holding space for the nervousness. Please feel welcomed to reach out to our sangha by email (teachings@leowe.de) if you would like to talk to us before confirming the meeting.
Once the payment is made and the booking is confirmed, our sangha will get in touch with you by email to arrange the meeting.
The online meeting will last for about 60 minutes and is conducted via Zoom. An invitation link to the meeting will be sent to your email an hour before the meeting starts.