Little Hearts

Words of Truth are one of the most beautiful vibrations in the world and they always reach your heart. Whether you already know of it or not, your heart is listening in silence.

Weekly, Leowe shares a little poem on Instagram, revealing Love and eternal wisdom. These Little Hearts as we call them, invite us to reflect, to listen and to sense into our natural Beingness, the essence of what we are without personhood.

Each one embodies the power to speak straight to our heart and foster awakening within us, eventually to wake us up. If read with utmost awareness and the urge to merge with the words and the Love they convey, even one Little Heart would be enough to cut through all layers of personal thinking and habits and unwrap our innermost core of Beingness.

Whisper of Being

Whispers of Being are delicate winds that stir from the depths of the Heart. What began as a newsletter evolved into an inspiration of far greater value than mere information. A seed still in its tender germination yet brimming with such potency to fill every willing heart with eternal beauty. It was an inspiration within Leowe that transformed a simple newsletter into this gift: each child of God – immersed in Heart is Home and called by God – shares insights born from intimate meetings with Leowe and deep introspections. Through these loving and self-revealing letters the heart is invited to listen and awaken to the Real. Because, it is true: Lovers long for nothing less than to meet each other in complete nakedness.

These winds are echoes of the one Truth, expressed through seemingly many. Each letter reflects an intimate union with Love, Leowe, and God´s Presence. Sometimes they reflect moments of inattentiveness that have transformed into clarity and insight. At other times, they unfold as pure and auspicious stories, written by each Heart from the place where they have truly emerged.

  They are letters born from sincere observation, where courage and honesty come alive, always holding the potency to serve as a gift to all who are open to immerse into them. This courage arises from the loving gaze of God, within one´s humble Heart. It is a gaze of forgiveness – one that gently lifts us out of the mess of personal identity and offers the path to Freedom instead. Within this gaze, the Heart opens fully, allowing us to share without fear or shame.

  Such honest words, rooted in sincerity, serve as an invitation to recognize our Self within them. Whether we are in the position of the writer or the reader, it always holds the potency of allowing us to die a little to ourselves, to surrender the conditioned resistances and rid this “me”, and to merge oneself into God. If we look closely, we will find them to be very precious support for deep introspection and self-examination while dwelling in His Presence. Eventually, this Presence anchors us, grounding our steps as we walk upon this earth.

  Ultimately, these letters are all born from the one Love and serve to nurture the same Love in others. To delve into this deeply can be profound and powerful, and at the same time sweet and gentle. It makes us realise the space that is already there, to review any inconsistency with clarity, enabling each Being — regardless of their journey — to find their own Heart in these nourishing letters. It is a call to the meek to embrace the core of their Being, recognising their softness as a true strength. For only a peaceful heart will carry Love into the world and by that reveal its beauty.

  All facets of our Being that come to light—whether sadness or joy, despair or gratitude—become such gifts when they arise from the one Consciousness. However, it is essential to remain mindful of what is truly being shared. Pride and arrogance can sometimes slip in unnoticed, veiling themselves behind seemingly beautiful expressions or admissions. Thus, these letters also carry a subtle responsibility, encouraging awareness and integrity to protect those Hearts, who are in the very beginning of their self-discovery.

  But beyond such intimate reflections, these letters may weave abundant stories of the blossoming of Heart is Home and the New World taking shape. They may speak of encounters touched by divine Presence or the creation of sacred spaces within the Sangha, where all manifestations once again reflect the essence of Love. For they are always for the sake of the Heart.

  How beautiful it is when trust arises, allowing us to open fully to this very Life. Where fear no longer exists, and the joy of Being takes its rightful place. Where humbleness and compassion prevail and outshine the dark. When we carry with bravery Loves perfume, filled with Understanding and Wisdom. In truth, we are already living in this world. But it remains concealed, shrouded by the haze of the mind. Heart is Home and Leowe are devoted entirely to this discovery: the Realization of the Divine Kingdom that dwells in each of us.

If you would like to receive the Whisper of Being, please subscribe through the newsletter sign-up section at the bottom of the website.

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These poems trace back to Leowe’s earliest days when the first stirrings of words began to bloom, tender shoots of gratitude for the blessing of becoming nothing. They have not yet been translated.